Friday, January 13, 2023

Remembering Swami Vivekanand on His Birth anniversary, National youth day

 Tributes to Swami Vivekananda on his birth anniversary. We shall always remember his role in awakening the national consciousness.

He was an enduring source of inspiration whose thoughts influence people across the globe.

On this NationalYouthDay, let’s remember n reinforce the teachings of SwamiVivekananda & resolve to ensure goal of empowering our

YoungS And Youth's.. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Vivekananda Rock Memorial Tamil Badu Kanyakumari

 पावन भूमि को नमन....!

कन्याकुमारी(तमिलनाडु) में....!!

विवेकानन्द स्मारक शिला........!!!

(Vivekananda Rock Memorial

) भारत के तमिलनाडु के कन्याकुमारी में समुद्र में स्थित एक स्मारक है। यह एक प्रसिद्ध पर्यटन स्थल बन गया है। यह भुमि-तट से लगभग ५०० मीटर अन्दर समुद्र में स्थित दो चट्टानों में से एक के उपर निर्मित किया गया है।एकनाथ रानडे ने विवेकानंद शिला पर विवेकानंद स्मारक मन्दिर बनाने में विशेष कार्य किया। एकनाथ रानडे राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सरकार्यवाह थे।

समुद्र तट से पचास फुट ऊंचाई पर निर्मित यह भव्य और विशाल प्रस्तर कृति विश्व के पर्यटन मानचित्र पर एक महत्वपूर्ण आकर्षण केन्द्र बनकर उभर आई है। इसे बनाने के लिए लगभग ७३ हजार विशाल प्रस्तर खण्डों को समुद्र तट पर स्थित कार्यशाला में कलाकृतियों से सज्जित करके समुद्री मार्ग से शिला पर पहुंचाया गया। इनमें कितने ही प्रस्तर खण्डों का भार 13 टन तक था। स्मारक के विशाल फर्श के लिए प्रयुक्त प्रस्तर खण्डों के आंकड़े इसके अतिरिक्त हैं। इस स्मारक के निर्माण में लगभग ६५० कारीगरों ने २०८१ दिनों तक रात-दिन श्रमदान किया। कुल मिलाकर ७८ लाख मानव घंटे इस तीर्थ की प्रस्तर काया को आकार देने में लगे।

Thursday, January 5, 2023

happy New year 2023

 Kotapride Shivpath pariwar wishes all A very joyous and prosperous new year. 

Thankful and grateful to all For Trust in our innovative Digital skills

Cyber security safety  awareness Tips

Never share Passowrd of Email or Social media to Anyone

Do Not click on Suspicious Links on website or on SMS

Never Share OTP to Anyone .

Lets Motivate Others to use safe internet

Thankyou for following safety tips


SavitribaiPhule on her Birth Anniversary

 Remembering SavitribaiPhule on her Birth Anniversary. Well ahead of her times, she brought about reforms n shift in the rights of women. Her tireless work towards uplifting the marginalized and the poor inspires even today.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Growing customers and increasing sales through magical marketing Package kp

 We provide all Online marketing solutions for promote your business and Brand .

-Website Development 

- Social media marketing. 

- Sms marketing , voice Sms marketing 

- ISM (Advanced seo)

- Google Ad Campaigns 

- Custom Software development

- Learning Management Software 

- e-commerce website plus with SEO

- IVR And Toll free numbers 

- ISM and OCM magnetic marketing strategy 

- Review Marketing based on classified content 

- Focus campaign magical marketing with social media Ads 

Radiation marketing strategy through internet 

Pride destiny online branding package for digital marketing And to attract customers 

Expansion digitally integrated infinite marketing strategy for Automobile Industry and Real Estate Builder 

Learn skills Of Digital Marketing and internet

Learn skills to grow your business online, Smart digital marketing promoter

Be a Digital promoter OR digital marketing advisor .

Upgrade your skills by promoting digital transformation. 

Get a Franchise OR work as a Digital Freelance. 

Use your skills to help others to grow together. 

👉Start your Digital marketing Agency with 

investment and start your income

-Get customised 50 page website

- Get training and all technical support

- Get Reseller right of  commission

- Get  Reseller right of Digital visiting card on your choice of domain

- Get reseller panel of 10+ IT services. 

- Get Marketing tools to kickstart your business


So Hurry!!

Get all these at investment of

19999/- with support 

Be Reseller of Bulk Sms and voice call sms,  

Mobile marketing messaging strategy 

Training free

Monday, December 26, 2022

social media Ads campaigns for growing and expanding business in kota

Be  connected always

 Magical marketing strategy @Rs.35000 for  one month 

Smart Focus Digital media marketing @Rs.100000 for quarterly

Online Radiation & reflection  Promotional services @Rs 200000 for  Halfyearly 

Pride destiny online branding and leads generation strategy 

Rs 55000 per month 

Rs 500000 per year 

Boost your brand and make your Business a pride. 

Our specialities 

Website and app booster platform 

ISM starts from 35000 QUARTERLY 

YouTube channel Promotional Package